About Matchjobsid
Right Place, Right Time, Right Person
Our logo represented by 3 parts, it means that Matchjobsid become be a good partner for Client and candidate, signifying the Company as the foundation and the Right Person to offer the best recruitment match.
Vision & Mission

Why Matchjobsid?
1. Trained and Experienced Consultants
Matchjobsid has good experienced consultants with specialization and expertise in various industries such as Trading, Automotive, FMCG, IT, Engineering, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Construction, Hospitality with positions like HR, Sales/Marketing, IT, Accounting & Finance, Administration, EXIM, Engineering, etc. Our consultant maintains and further develops their industry experience and networks within Matchjobsid
2. Candidate Database
More than 5.000 (five thousand) applicant are in our database. We have alot of new candidate profiles across various position levels, industry and background.
3. Speed
We make sure that you get a quick response, 2x24 hours will reply to you.
4. Competitive Fee And Refund Guarantee
- We offer a competitive success based fee
- We offer a refund guarantee within 3 months after candidate placed
5. Commitment to full support our Client
We will safe your time for conducting search and selection of new staffs in your recruitment planning.

Corporate Profile
Matchjobsid has well-experienced and reputable Consultant in Industrial area. PT Rafken Consulting Indonesia, www.matchjobsid.com, assolution for the growing company to support their business with provide the very match candidate as our slogan.
Matchjobsid aims to respond with speed, a high degree of professionalism and quality candidates and services to meet our client needs. With our history and proven track record of Consultant, Matchjobsid is confident in providing best services to meet your business needs with total customer satisfaction.
Company Name:
PT Rafken Consulting Indonesia
Grand Galaxy City
Blok RSN 7 No.8 - Bekasi Selatan